
Why You Should Make My Business Your Business!

August 9, 2010

Recently, I was asked by a reporter over the phone, “What is the art of change all about?” Here’s what I told him, and why I think my business ought to be a part of how you do your business!

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How To Depersonalize a Personal Attack

August 2, 2010

The point is to disrupt the attack long enough for the person to regain some self-control. Persist in this pattern, and the person is likely to be stopped in their tracks long enough to get their ability to think back!

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Fastest Way To End A Conflict When Someone Says You’re Wrong

July 26, 2010

For example, let’s say that I said something which, in spite of my good intentions, somehow offended you. And, just as night follows day, the result is that you accuse me of being offensive. Experience of being in this very situation has taught me that the simplest thing to say is, ‘You’re right. I’ve clearly offended you, and I apologize, because that wasn’t what I intended.”

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Consumer Reports Loses Even More Credibility

July 19, 2010

All you have to do is get your hands on the new iPhone, even for a few minutes, and you’ll see for yourself what the truth is. All the negative propaganda in the world can’t hide the truth. Not even when the whole media picks up the meme and carries it on. Eventually, truth will out.

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Get People Involved Before Making A Decision That Impacts Their Lives

July 12, 2010

I’m an advocate for involvement and engagement before decisions get made. I think that’s how it ought to be in organizations and businesses. People don’t want to hear about the new deal after the fact. They want to hear about it while it is still being thought about. That gives them a chance to talk about it, think about it, and have some say in it. Even if they don’t like the way it turns out, they get their say.

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BAM Radio Interview with Dr. Rick Kirschner now available

July 11, 2010

Interview with Dr. Rick Kirschner about Dealing with People You Can’t Stand is now available on BAM Radio with Holly Alissa Bruno, and on iTunes. The target audience for the show is educators and educational administrators. but the information will be useful for anyone.

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Happy Independence Day!

July 4, 2010

Happy Independence Day from Dr. Rick Kirschner and the crew at The Art of Change Skills for Life. “I know that the human condition can appear increasingly bleak – yet there is a light that shines brightly into the darkness of the world, and it’s name is freedom.”

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Political Definition or Redefinition? Which do you choose? Today’s Word – CONSERVATIVE

June 28, 2010

As politicians and pundits redefine words to suit their polarizing purposes, bestselling speaker, educator, self-help and business author Dr. Rick Kirschner weighs in with a few choice words of his own.

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