
Telephone Training for Changing Times: Please Take Our Survey!

March 22, 2009

Here’s what I know for sure. I know that the more people focus on their fear, the more fearful they tend to become, and that fear can be a raging fire that consumes creativity and resourcefulness in responding to change.

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Posts about Interpersonal conflict and dealing with people as of March 22, 2009

March 22, 2009

Everyday Buddhadharma ~ Buddhist Lojong Slogan: “Three objects, three poisons, and three virtuous seeds.” ~ Linda Lewis – 03/22/2009 Everyday Buddhadharma with Linda V. Lewis Atisha’s Lojong Mind-Training Slogans:“Three objects, three poisons, and three virtuous seeds … objects”?  Whether we are aware of it or not, we tend to categorize people into friends, enemies … neutrals—those […]

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Do An Interview or Two before Asking For A Job Interview

March 19, 2009

It’s a changing world, and a changing economy. Some of my coaching and corporate clients tell me it’s a jungle out there.  So many people seeking employment, and so many organizations downsizing their desire to employ.    Maybe you’ve been laid off, and maybe you moved on because you saw the writing on the wall.  Now, […]

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Posts about Interpersonal conflict and dealing with people as of March 19, 2009

March 19, 2009

would you read this book? – 03/19/2009 I’m putting together a proposal for a memoir based on material from this blog. What do you think? Siobhan Curious Falls In Love Again: Project Description Since August 2007, I have been keeping a pseudonymous blog called “Siobhan Curious,” which details and reflects upon my classroom experiences […]

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Twitter Tweets about persuasive communication as of March 18, 2009

March 18, 2009

speakgirl: In today’s environment, if you want your ideas implemented, you need cooperation from others. This requires persuasive communication skills. 2009-03-18 15:58:40 · Reply · View TwitterDoodle by The Lessnau Lounge

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How Do You Use Phone Persuasion For Job Interviews?

March 18, 2009

Welcome to the New World Disorder.   Unemployment on the rise.  Management jobs disappearing.  And thanks to the shortsightedness and downright cluelessness of the muckamucks at the top, there seems to be less work for people with skills in training, marketing, sales,  and a whole host of other skills and abilities that have been sliced […]

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Dr. K Quoted In Financial Bliss Article, North Bay Nugget

March 18, 2009

Fun item as the sun rises on Wednesday…I got quoted in an article in Monday’s North Bay Nugget, on couples and money. You can read it here

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Can You See, Hear, Feel, Understand My Meaning?

March 16, 2009

I’m still talking about words in the first post for this new week!

How To Use Sensory Language

To build connection, simply notice the sensory word preferences of the people you talk with and then reply in kind. With this language tool, you can build trust and increase interest in what you have to say.

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