

Avoidance Is Ineffective When Progress And Change Are Desirable

March 18, 2013

Avoidance is not an effective response when dealing with a challenge, not if progress and positive change are the desired result. In other words, getting together with antagonists and talking about it has to happen. Or at least you have to try. It demonstrates self respect. It demonstrates integrity.

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Dealing With Difficult Fanatics – Turmoil In The Middle East

September 13, 2012

“The words of others don’t dishonor your beliefs. Only your behavior can do that. Free speech includes hateful speech. And tolerance for it doesn’t mean anyone likes or approves of hate speech. It means that hateful people can express their hatred without actually acting on it, and so it serves as a release valve. More to the point, my mother taught me that two wrongs don’t make a right.”

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