
Dealing with Difficult People

When The Leader Stops Leading – Dealing With The Disempowered

June 29, 2011

Until you uncover the meaning of the blockage, all you can do is struggle with it. My advise: Stop struggling for a bit, accept the unacceptable and turn this into a deep structure investigation.

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My Take on 7 tips on Dealing with Negative People

May 27, 2011

I’ve written about negative people extensively. And I love the responsibility for herself that she shows in the opening paragraph. She arrives at the idea that learning to deal with negative people is ultimately a positive thing for her future. And with this motivation, she develops a plan.

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How To Stop Being Manipulated by Narcissists

April 8, 2011

Ever had to deal with someone who was hyper-sensitive, extremely emotional, reactive, and on a hair trigger, defensive and furious at even the hint of disapproval or criticism of something they’ve done, constantly making demands and projecting expectations and disappointment?

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How NOT To Click With People: An Honest Response To ‘Should’

March 30, 2011