

Dr. K Quoted In Article On Chain (e)Mail

November 24, 2009

An article that includes a quote from Dr. Rick Kirschner, written by Joanne Richard, of Sun Media, on chain letters that you get in your email, has appeared quickly, (one might almost say virally) in newspapers across Canada and the world. It’s a fun read.

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For Successful Masterminding – First, A Big Clear Outcome

October 5, 2009

Remember me telling you that you need a group committed to being extraordinary? That means you need a big outcome in mind, not some piddly thing that doesn’t mean anything to you. To go for success, you need a big desired state that requires you to stretch in order for you to achieve it. Think of it this way:

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The Elements of Effective Masterminding – Life Skills

October 2, 2009

A Mastermind group is not a shmooze fest. It’s not a love in, a reading circle, a salon, or a philosophy discussion. And it’s not a support group where people tell their story and get into their feelings. You can use groups for all of these things, but the purpose of a Mastermind group is to produce action that leads to success.

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Can Obama Find A Persuasive Message On Healthcare Reform?

August 21, 2009

President Barack Obama has struggled to find his footing and shape this debate adequately and persuasively. In part this is because the media gives voice to the loudmouths, and in a shouting match with a mild mannered and reasonable President, this allows the loudmouths to shape the issue.

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Building Relationship On Agreements (repost)

August 14, 2009

Every semester, the students change but the questions I hear remain the same. Where am I coming from with these agreements? Why do I think it so important to the well being of these students that I’m willing to spend precious time on it, time that I could just as well put into teaching other things that might be valuable for my students? What justifies the use of so much class time for these agreements?

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New Class in Healthy Communication Begins

August 10, 2009

Today is day one in my healthy communication class (Psyc 604) at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine. This intensive is one of the most rewarding things I do each year, because I relish the chance to teach these future doctors

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Book Recommendation: Strategic Acceleration

May 11, 2009