

When You Have Less Power, Use More Communication!

June 17, 2011

While managers with power assumed much, and those without assumed nothing. The manager with more power didn’t communicate with as much urgency and persuasion as did those without. For a person who MUST get results but lacks the ability to coerce others, persuasion is key.

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Difficult people advice. Really? All you need to do? I don’t think so!

May 25, 2011

If the intent is to make things worse, telling people they are abnormal, off track, and utterly ridiculous will certainly make a difference. But if the intent is to make things better, to get a better outcome, change the situation, resolve the conflict, I’m afraid her words have meaning and opposite effect.

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Emotional Email Has Consequences

May 23, 2011

Cornell Professor of Communication Jeff Hancock published a study demonstrating how people’s moods show through in the messages they send via e-mail, and instant and text messaging.

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Technology News About Apple and Microsoft Offer Lesson In Contrast

March 4, 2010

ontrast can be used as a signal of persuasion. It allows us to consider one thing in the light of another. And in today’s technology news, I noticed two stories that offer a perfect lesson in contrast. First up, John Breeden, who writes for GCN

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Obama Out of the Bubble, Onto the Battlefield of Persuasion

February 16, 2010

The President can’t persuade Congress to make meaningful changes if he’s allowing Congress to define the narrative. In a battle of persuasion, he’d best act now or his moment will be lost.

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How Do You Let People Know You Are On Their Side?

September 11, 2009