

Numb and Number – Complacency In America – PLEASE VOTE!

October 18, 2010

Complacency is a form of slavery, binding one to a living death of inaction, non participation and default. The shackles are easy to slip into. They’re comfortable chains at first, because they require nothing but your disinterest and indifference. It is only later that the complacent wake up to find their window of opportunity for meaningful change has closed, and that they are trapped and bound to someone else’s agenda.

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Obama Out of the Bubble, Onto the Battlefield of Persuasion

February 16, 2010

The President can’t persuade Congress to make meaningful changes if he’s allowing Congress to define the narrative. In a battle of persuasion, he’d best act now or his moment will be lost.

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Can Obama Find A Persuasive Message On Healthcare Reform?

August 21, 2009

President Barack Obama has struggled to find his footing and shape this debate adequately and persuasively. In part this is because the media gives voice to the loudmouths, and in a shouting match with a mild mannered and reasonable President, this allows the loudmouths to shape the issue.

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Bonus Post – What do the British think of their Healthcare system?

August 18, 2009