
Have a happier 2015 with these 3 suggestions…

December 31, 2014

Second of three suggestions: Childlike nature! A child has an open mind, is curious, is eager to learn, to discover. A child has imagination, finds joy in play, and is unbound by convention and habit. To keep this alive, remember that not knowing has value, that wonder has value, that play for the sake of play has value, and that time will move you along quickly enough without you having to help it along.

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Unfriendly Skies on 12.14.14 Please share and retweet

December 14, 2014

a rude and abusive flight attendant on a morning United Airlines flight out of Houston on December 14, 2014. Though this incident didn’t involve me and has no real impact on my life (Did I mention, I’m on vacation?) I think UA’s executives should know about this kind of bad behavior on the part of their flight attendants.

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To Dream Of A Better, Not Bitter, World

October 14, 2014

if humanity ever faces it’s future instead of backing into it, I choose to believe there is nothing we can’t accomplish, no problem we can’t solve, and no possibility we can’t move towards achieving. Like Bucky used to say, there is no energy shortage. There’s a shortage of will.

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Becoming a Professional Presenter

September 21, 2014

Cheat sheet on how to become a professional speaking expert!

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Coexist? In this still primitive world? Is that even possible?

July 27, 2014

I have this idea that we can be better than we’ve been, do better than we’ve done, and have better than we’ve had. And I have this idea that if I just stay focused on that and keep working for that, working on that, working with that, I’ll derive the most health and happiness, and be of the most value to my family, friends and the world around me all at once.

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Drug Addled Kids, Guns and School Shootings

June 10, 2014

the history of medicine and the creation in the US of a medical monopoly in the 20th century that marginalized patient health and natural approaches, made criminals out of natural health practitioners in order to reduce competition and raise fees, turned med schools into pharma research facilities, turned doctors into bedside engineers trained only in pharmaceutical and surgical interventions

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Dr. K’s Social Stream

May 14, 2014

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Letter to the Editor of the Medford Mail Tribune, GMO Truth

May 6, 2014

If you’re going to refer to science, you might want to consider it first. Science is not cherry picked studies paid for by the biotech industry, it is a method for separating fact from fantasy. Your ‘editorial’ treats conflicting data like it doesn’t even exist, when it does and is not difficult to find! This data raises serious concerns about GMO impacts on human health, animal health and agriculture itself. It seems to me that the biotech industry has been conducting an open air experiment for decades, without proper controls, without our consent, and because they are unlabeled, without accountability. Turning us into guinea pigs doesn’t make it good science.

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