
You Can Respond To Dark Thoughts With The Positive Argument

June 10, 2011

Note, I didn’t say the positive argument to him, since that would simply be arguing. No, I said it to myself, in order to keep my mind open instead of closed, and my emotional state engaged instead of defensive. And it was invigorating. I wanted him to keep going.

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Is A Bit Of Envy Good Or Bad For Motivation?

June 8, 2011

Only by trying could I find out. (Desire, Challenge)

Using envy worked for me, perhaps better than anything I’d used before, but only because I connected my actual motivations to it. Rather than basing my actions on a strictly emotional choice, as the article portrays envy, I chose to engage my motivation because of I had that emotion.

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When People Click With Company Values

June 6, 2011

How do you get the people working for the same company to click? Shared values is a great place to start. The more explicit they are, the more likely you are to get buy in and support from people who see themselves in what your company is doing.

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Asking Questions Benefits Both Sides Of a Conversation

June 3, 2011

Most people don’t ask many questions, and when they do, they are often not the right questions. We may be afraid of looking stupid. Or maybe we think asking questions makes us seem weak. Or maybe we just think we’re supposed to have all the answers. But asking questions is still the best way to get the real answers.

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4 Steps Than Can Improve All Your Relationships

June 1, 2011

We’re a month away from the publication of my new book, ‘How To Click With People: The Secret To Better Relationships In Business And In Life.’ But you don’t have to wait for the big launch (though if you subscribe to my newsletter, you’ll be the first to know the deals and details for people who buy the book)

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History is The Soldier’s Gift

May 30, 2011

On Memorial Day, we honor our nation’s fallen. A powerful essay titled ‘History Is The Soldier’s Gift

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My Take on 7 tips on Dealing with Negative People

May 27, 2011

I’ve written about negative people extensively. And I love the responsibility for herself that she shows in the opening paragraph. She arrives at the idea that learning to deal with negative people is ultimately a positive thing for her future. And with this motivation, she develops a plan.

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Difficult people advice. Really? All you need to do? I don’t think so!

May 25, 2011

If the intent is to make things worse, telling people they are abnormal, off track, and utterly ridiculous will certainly make a difference. But if the intent is to make things better, to get a better outcome, change the situation, resolve the conflict, I’m afraid her words have meaning and opposite effect.

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