
When The Leader Stops Leading – Dealing With The Disempowered

June 29, 2011

Until you uncover the meaning of the blockage, all you can do is struggle with it. My advise: Stop struggling for a bit, accept the unacceptable and turn this into a deep structure investigation.

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Speaking In Public – Get Control Of Yourself

June 27, 2011

Funny thing is, after you’ve built up a bit of experience with this, it all falls away and what is left is the pure pleasure of connection, authentic communication and the comfort and excitement of sharing yourself and making a difference.

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Story Telling As A Catalyst For Positive Change

June 24, 2011

This month, one of my articles is featured in the NDNR (Naturopathic Doctor News & Reviews.) It just so happens to be about story telling, one of my favorite speaking pastimes.

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Happy Anniversary To Us!

June 22, 2011

Tomorrow is my wedding anniversary, and today I’m going to write about marriage. Specifically, my marriage to Lindea, how it happened, and what has happened to me as a result of it.

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How Do You Ask For Feedback?

June 20, 2011

With or without a formal survey, asking a consistent set of questions to get feedback is more likely to produce useful information that can vastly improve your relationship with clients and customers and the delivery of your products and services.

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When You Have Less Power, Use More Communication!

June 17, 2011

While managers with power assumed much, and those without assumed nothing. The manager with more power didn’t communicate with as much urgency and persuasion as did those without. For a person who MUST get results but lacks the ability to coerce others, persuasion is key.

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The Corner Of The Universe You Can Be Certain Of Improving

June 15, 2011

Whenever I am faced with the stupidity of the world, that’s when I stop, turn inside, take ownership over my moment and what I’m doing with it, and direct myself to take an immediate step to make something in my world a little better.

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When Life Gets You Down, Look Up, Step Forward

June 13, 2011

Most of the people that you come in contact with not only want something better for themselves, but actually want things to get better all around. We can’t help it. I can prove it.

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