
Nurses Fear To Speak Up, And Patients Suffer Harm

March 25, 2011

I was reading a National Journal article a couple of days back, written by Julia Edwards and titled ‘Study: Nurses Afraid to Speak Up When Doctors Slip Up ‘  The article referenced a recent study by the American Association of Critical Care Nurses.  The study found that operating room safety protocols aren’t enough to protect […]

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What Do Potassium Iodide Pills Tell Us About Fear?

March 23, 2011

What do Potassium Iodide pills tell us about fear? For the past week, there are two words that really have gone together: Japan and fear. We all watched the human devestation of the earthquake and tsunami, witnessed the awesome disruptive power of nature to our best laid plans, and our hearts broke at the loss and tragedy

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Getting To The Truth About Online Deception

March 21, 2011

For those of us with an active online presence, there’s just so much more information to look through these days, and so many more ways to hide. Jeff Hancock sits down with Kim Carrigan for an interview on how technology affects the way people lie to each other. Worth viewing!

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Destroy Walls To Get A Group Clicking With Itself

March 14, 2011

To get a group clicking again after it’s run into a roadblock, you need to eliminate that barrier to success. One of the most effective ways to do this is to leverage the intelligence of the individuals in the group, by having them brainstorm with you about how to remove the roadblock.

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Cynicism From Mixed Messages Can Be Undone By Straight Talk

March 7, 2011

For people in groups (teams, workgroups, departments, companies, boards) there is an inverse relationship between the amount of cynicism in the group and the ability of people to click with each other.

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Conned, Hustled and Scammed! It Happened To Me, It Can Happen To You!

February 28, 2011

I suppose I should be embarrassed. I suppose I should keep this to myself. But then, my sense of justice calls out and demands that I tell my story and maybe, just maybe, it will spare some of you from sharing my fate. Because here I am, a speaker, trainer and writer about matters of persuasion. You would think I’d be immune to any such attempts from others. I sure thought I was. And yet…

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The Common Sense of Sensory Language Sequences

February 21, 2011

Here’s a big idea that may have escaped your notice. People express themselves through sensory sequences. When you hear these sensory sequences and respond in kind, see/feel, or feel/see or hear/feel/see, you click with people, and that’s because you are using the same sensory paradigm.

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Lonely? Dr. K’s Laws of Attraction for Intimate Relationships

February 14, 2011

While my blog deals primarily with matters of communication and making a positive difference in the workplace, I can’t always separate my personal from my professional life. That’s because the challenges in one are almost certainly have consequences in the other.

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