
How Is Projection A Stumbling Block to Clicking With People?

February 7, 2011

The question to ask yourself is, do you see the people in your world as they are, or as you are? Because if it’s a matter of projection, the quickest way to resolve the problem is in yourself. Don’t like that behavior? Identify a new one and start creating it instead.

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New! Audiobook ‘Dealing With People You Can’t Stand’ now available!

January 31, 2011

Available on audio for the first time ever… DEALING WITH PEOPLE YOU CAN’T STAND Written and read by Dr. Rick Kirschner and Dr. Rick Brinkman. Available on CD or as a digital download. With their 1994 international bestseller, Drs. Rick Kirschner and Rick Brinkman armed the world with no-nonsense strategies for dealing with difficult people […]

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Bad Temper or Bad Relationship? When it comes to clicking, the devil is in the details

January 24, 2011

‘Bad temper’ is too broad a generalization. I find that people do better in sorting this sort of thing out if they can get specific about what kinds of things set off the person with the bad temper, or develop some insight into what inhibits their response in dealing with it.

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What’s More Important for Clicking? Understanding or Feeling Understood?

January 17, 2011

It seems that what passes for understanding often isn’t. So believing you know the meaning of someone else’s words could deny both of you an important experience. You wouldn’t actually understand, and they wouldn’t feel understood. By setting aside the immediate meaning you make, and showing an interest in the meaning that they make, you draw them out, and that draws you in closer to them.

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What Gets In The Way Of People Clicking With Each Other

January 10, 2011

There’s a whole generation of people who engage electronically but don’t much know how to do it face to face or on the phone. Then there are sales people, employers and managers, business owners and service providers whose financial well being depends on their ability to make and develop connections quickly and permanently.

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The True Click – A Super Story Start to an Exciting New Year

January 3, 2011

We’re getting ready for the runup to my next book, How To Click With People, due in June of this year from Hyperion Books. With that in mind, I thought it would be fun to share with you something from the book proposal that didn’t make it into the final manuscript.

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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

December 20, 2010

In 2011, I’ll be offering my new speech and training program, “How To Click With People: Building the Personal Side of Business” in anticipation of the summer release of my next book. January release of the spoken word audio version of ‘Dealing With People You Can’t Stand,’ available through iTunes, and on CD, from MacMillan.

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IMS launches a more holistic way to learn leadership skills

December 13, 2010

By having live classroom sessions with the faculty and the interactive discussions and networking that naturally occur, and then supporting that with the online experience it will help attendees take what they learned in the classroom and bring it into their organizations.

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