
What’s The Big Deal About Persuasive Communication?

April 26, 2010

If there’s no time like the present, then perhaps today is the day when you commit yourself to upgrading your persuasive skills, and preparing yourself to play a bigger part in the unfolding of the world around you. Perhaps today is the day when you say, in a way that persuades even you that your habits and cynicism make a poor excuse for not changing, that it’s time to stand up, step up and take up the cause of positive change, take it personally, make it a

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You Can’t Not Influence People (Yes, it’s a double negative. Do the math!)

April 19, 2010

The only time you have no influence, as my friend Lenny the Punk puts it, is “When you’re dead.” And even then, you could have a great deal of influence. Fact is, we influence people all the time, by what we say, when and how we say it, and also what we don’t say, how and when we don’t say it.

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Bonus Blogpost: A Review of ATV Flash for Apple TV

April 15, 2010

I’ve enjoyed and used my Apple TV primarily for music, radio, YouTube, plus slideshows of the Universe and of nature on the big screen TV in my office during client visits. But after reading the list of benefits for ATV Flash, I found myself persuaded that this was an idea whose time had come.

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If Not Me, Who? If Not Now, When?

April 12, 2010

In this final post of my blog series about getting beyond Us/Them thinking, I’d like to talk about the part we each play in what happens to all of us. The world is my country.  All mankind are my brethren.  To do good is my religion. – Thomas Paine I love that quote.  That’s from […]

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Them and Us, War and Peace, Now or Never

April 5, 2010

One of my personal heroes, Bucky Fuller, spoke of humanity eventually arriving at the end of the womb of acceptable ignorance, a time when we would be faced with a stark choice. Continue backing into the future by fighting or fleeing from what we don’t want, or turning to face it squarely, realize we will live in the tomorrow we create today, and get busy creating a tomorrow we want to live in.

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Us and Them Is Us On A Bell Curve

March 29, 2010

When things change for the better, it’s always about ‘enough’ of us, not all of us. Which is why building connections, networks, and alliances of resources and help is how we increase the speed of change.

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Us and Them, All In The Same Boat

March 22, 2010

We don’t have a backup if we make a mistake, if we break it or bomb it or leave it to ruin. One planet, with one island, in one ocean. There’s one race, the human race, and as fellow passengers on this spaceship Earth, we have a shared destiny. What’s that destiny going to be? As far as I’m concerned that’s the one conversation that we need to be having internationally, because without agreement to this, there’s no possibility for a real dialog.

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The Value of the Vision Thing – in Politics, Business and Life

March 15, 2010

Those who we recognize for their vision are, more often than not, satisfied to see what they see and begin with that, then fill in the blanks while adapting to changes as they unfold. Indeed, an artist faces a canvas, a blank sheet of music, or a problem to be solved, with only an inkling of an idea, and that’s enough to begin.

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