
Dr. K’s article about Know It Alls Featured on Cincom Expert Access

March 11, 2010

My article on dealing with Know it Alls and Think They Know it Alls is one of the featured articles right now. And while you’re on the Cincom site, you might also want to take in one of my favorite articles, written by my friend and fellow blogger J.D. Meier, ‘the Top 10 Lessons Learned from Bruce Lee, for Business and for Life’.

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Sending Yourself Messages From The Future – Life Skills

March 8, 2010

Last month, I blogged about how to start your year off right with nutrition and exercise. To make such changes for the better, your motivation has to align with your direction.   And one of the best ways to find your motivation and change the way you take care of yourself is to look for […]

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Technology News About Apple and Microsoft Offer Lesson In Contrast

March 4, 2010

ontrast can be used as a signal of persuasion. It allows us to consider one thing in the light of another. And in today’s technology news, I noticed two stories that offer a perfect lesson in contrast. First up, John Breeden, who writes for GCN

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Can Changing Your Story Change Your Life?

March 1, 2010

Here’s my story, and I’m sticking to it. I love narrative psychology, and teach it to my clients and students as a powerful change tool. Because, consider this. Everyone has a story. And when you change your story (or someone else’s story), you can change a life.

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Closing The Loop On The Blame Game

February 22, 2010

Some people are more practiced at assigning blame than others. There is no point in arguing with them. Much conflict comes down to blaming statements. Yet more often than not, no matter how reasonable these blaming statements sound, more often than not they are made up of reasons that don’t hold up to scrutiny.

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Obama Out of the Bubble, Onto the Battlefield of Persuasion

February 16, 2010

The President can’t persuade Congress to make meaningful changes if he’s allowing Congress to define the narrative. In a battle of persuasion, he’d best act now or his moment will be lost.

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Building Relationship On Agreement-Life Skills

February 15, 2010

Every semester, the students change but the questions I hear remain the same. Where am I coming from with these agreements? Why do I think it so important to the well being of these students that I’m willing to spend precious time on it, time that I could just as well put into teaching other things that might be valuable for my students? What justifies the use of so much class time for these agreements?

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New Class in Healthy Communication Begins

February 8, 2010

Today is day one in my healthy communication class (Psyc 604) at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine. This intensive is one of the most rewarding things I do each year, because I relish the chance to teach these future doctors

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