
Do Self Help Books Really Help? – Jefferson Exchange Interviews Dr. K

October 9, 2009

Audio interview in two parts. Jefferson Public Radio interviews Dr. Rick Kirschner about the value of Self Help books. Do they work? Who uses them? Why? Can you expect results? What kind?

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For Successful Masterminding – First, A Big Clear Outcome

October 5, 2009

Remember me telling you that you need a group committed to being extraordinary? That means you need a big outcome in mind, not some piddly thing that doesn’t mean anything to you. To go for success, you need a big desired state that requires you to stretch in order for you to achieve it. Think of it this way:

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The Elements of Effective Masterminding – Life Skills

October 2, 2009

A Mastermind group is not a shmooze fest. It’s not a love in, a reading circle, a salon, or a philosophy discussion. And it’s not a support group where people tell their story and get into their feelings. You can use groups for all of these things, but the purpose of a Mastermind group is to produce action that leads to success.

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Change Is Gonna Come (to Dr. K’s Blogging Schedule)

September 30, 2009

That means Dr. K’s blog is more than two years old! I’ve already got close to 500 posts up, after maintaining a posting rate of three posts a week for virtually the entire duration of the blog. There are currently 777 comments on the blog, and I’ve appreciated every one of them, along with the email I’ve received the twitter and facebook responses I get regarding my posts.

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60 Years Old? Young? So Far, So Good… It’s my birthday and I’ll blog if I want to.

September 27, 2009

I know that the world has appeared to be coming to an end since it’s very beginning, and that things are actually getting better while they appear to be getting worse. I know it’s always darker before the dawn, and that my feelings serve me and empower me if I simply honor them.

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Putting Your Mastermind Group Together – Life Skills

September 25, 2009

The people that you spend time with are a major influence in your life. So you want to carefully choose the members of your Mastermind group to have the best possible influence. They can be people who differ from you in background and knowledge, but it is essential that they share values and have similar aspirations for their lives. And it is imperative that they agree with you about the purpose of the group and the intent to mutually prosper from it.

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The Origins of Masterminding and Why It Works To Create Success

September 23, 2009

You’ve likely experienced the ‘all of us are smarter than any of us’ phenomenon. It happens for me when I’m working on a book. If I come to an idea that isn’t quite dialed in, I run it by someone else and in the sharing of it, it either becomes clear to me or my lack of clarity provokes the person I shared it with to tell me what I was missing. Yet on my own, that missing piece or lack of clarity is unresolvable.

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Comment System Fixed – Apologies!!

September 22, 2009

Yoiks! To those who told me about it, thanks for the feedback! And for you who have no idea what I’m referring to, I’ve heard over the last few days about people wanting to comment on the blog who were unable to get past the Echo commenting system offered by JS-Kit that I recently installed. […]

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