
Masterminding Your Success – Life Skills

September 21, 2009

Masterminding is a powerful approach to brainstorming, problem solving and goal achievement that has been around for centuries. It is what takes place when a group of people agree in a committed way to utilize the synergetic advantage of ‘all of us are smarter than any of us,’ to help each person in the group do better than they might on their own.

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72 Hour Book Event for Sales Managers – Salespeople into Sales Champions

September 18, 2009

In my executive coaching practice, I help my clients develop their natural talents and build on their strengths. Time and again, I’ve witnessed the payoff in the client’s life, as they take their natural ability and use it to excel, to achieve, to fulfill their ambitions and dreams.  It’s a wonderful thing to be able […]

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When Someone Rubs You The Wrong Way, Ask A Question – Persuasive Communication

September 16, 2009

Develop your ability to switch into an information-gathering mode rather than a reactionary one whenever faced with one of life’s challenges, particularly when those challenges appear in the form of other people. And specifically, if what they’re doing rubs you the wrong way.

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Dealing With Difficult People – Behind Your Back

September 14, 2009

If people are talking about you behind your back, it could undermine your authority, derail your best efforts, and present you with challenges down the road when people who don’t know any better buy into whatever is being said about you, without ever giving you a chance. Today’s post is about dealing with people talking you down behind your back.

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How Do You Let People Know You Are On Their Side?

September 11, 2009

How do you let people know you are on their side?  Simple.  Send a few signals of similarity. The fact is, people send all kinds of signals with their communication.  They signal valuable information not just about who they are, but also how they are and why they are the way they are.  If you […]

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Posts about Interpersonal conflict and dealing with people as of September 9, 2009

September 9, 2009

The Benefits of Empowering Your People (Part 1) – 09/09/2009 If an organisation decides to empower its employees, it should not consider them as costs or resources in the same way as other resources such as materials. Empowerment becomes very important when an organisation faces a crisis. People will come together and speak with […]

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Dealing With Negative People – Use Them As A Resource

September 9, 2009

The trick is not to buy into negative behavior, but instead, to reframe it and make it useful to yourself. How to make negativity useful? Remember, a negative person can serve two valuable functions in your life: They can be your personal character builder, and they can serve as an early warning system when it comes to problems.

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Post High School Reunion Debrief

September 8, 2009

There are days when I love my blog more than others. This is one of them. I’m going to write down impressions from the high school reunion.

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