
Do You Work LIke A Bricklayer Or A Change Artist?

August 5, 2013

That’s when I came across Buckminster Fuller’s writing. He provided a focus of attention that continues to inspire millions around the world. And I wanted to be a part of his vision for humanity, I wanted to play a part. So much so, that I completely reorganized my business to that end.

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It Helps To Have Heroes In Your Life By Design

July 29, 2013

Both my reading of Bucky’s work and my work with Tom got me thinking about legacies, and the role they play as motivators for dramatic changes in our lives. Ever since, I’ve watched and listened, and I’ve learned that legacy isn’t about how old you are.

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You Must Think! When Dealing With Bullying Bosses

July 22, 2013

The urge to explain is actually a part of the primitive pattern you want to avoid. It will always make an angry person angrier. Only after the anger cools and the problem solving begins is there any chance that your boss will look at the situation differently. There is another reason you shouldn’t explain: Once you start telling the story, the temptation is strong to alter events just slightly to make them fit better. The tiniest distortion will be seen as a much more serious crime than whatever else you may have done.

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The Care And Feeding Of Entrepreneurs

July 15, 2013

We revere entrepreneurs.  The rest of us would have nowhere to work without them.  There is a catch, however.  One of the reasons that so many promising new businesses fail is that the people who start them are good at creating businesses, but not so good at running them.  Many entrepreneurs seem to believe expertise […]

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Passive Aggressive Means Never Having To Say You’re Sorry

July 8, 2013

Passive-aggressive people cause more trouble than they need to. Their dynamics are simple and they respond well to praise and attention. The problem is you can get so angry at how they act that you may not be able to think clearly about what is likely to be most effective.

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Antisocial Organizations Are Like Crime Families

July 1, 2013

Ethically challenged people in upper management create organizational cultures in their own image. To be a part of things you have to think and act the way they do. The unwritten rules that define an antisocial culture should already be familiar to you if you’ve ever seen a movie about the mafia. If your organization follows these rules, you may unknowingly be part of a crime family, or at least a group that acts like one.

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How To Deal With An Alcoholic Boss

June 24, 2013

I am appalled at how many columns about dealing with difficult people at work advise going to HR. Unless HR in your organization has a track record for setting things right and maintaining confidentiality, It’s not likely that anything will be done, and you may get in serious trouble for being there.

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How To Deal With Workplace Drama

June 17, 2013

The basic structure of dramas is the struggle between a protagonist and antagonist. The protagonist is the hero, the good guy. The people most likely to create dramatic productions are those who are already playing the good guy in their own narrative. As actors, these people make up for lack of range with enthusiasm. They really believe the role they’re playing, even if nobody else does.

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