
How To Get Your Manager To Actually Manage You

June 10, 2013

Preposterous as this scenario may seem, I can tell you based on years of experience that tactics like this work better far better than more direct and businesslike approaches. I can’t guarantee that everything will go according to the script I’ve written here. The words may vary, but the basic idea, transparent as it may be, will work surprisingly well. Try it and see.

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Dealing With The Most Dangerous And Difficult People At Work

June 3, 2013

Emotional vampires strengths and weaknesses are driven by a single insatiable need. Their careers and the people they work with are merely the source for gratifying that need. Unlike normal people, they have little or no empathy. To keep from being drained, you must recognize people with personality disorders and understand them well enough to step into their world and step out of the pattern they expect. Here are the ones most likely to cause you trouble:

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Dealing With A Workplace Bully

May 27, 2013

When you are confronted with a moral dilemma, always share it with someone you trust. Your own moral compass may be influenced by the magnetic pull of a bully’s demands. A close friend, preferably one outside the organization, can help you keep your bearings.

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Dealing With Passive Agressive Gossip

May 20, 2013

Rumors can get started anywhere in an organization, but if it weren’t for the passive aggressive potential, they would never spread so far so quickly. Passive aggressive people don’t spread rumors intending to create grudges and factions; they just want a little drama. For them, gossiping about co-workers is a major source of entertainment. It’s more fun than the company softball team and you don’t have to be a jock to play.

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Dealing With Bosses and Coworkers Who Drain You Dry

May 13, 2013

To deal effectively with destructive patterns, you have to recognize them and avoid being pulled in. You see, these patterns all have elements that are attractive as well as destructive. In so many cases, people’s greatest assets if overused become liabilities. The value of diagnostic thinking is not putting people into categories, but in recognizing that certain patterns of thought and behavior go together. When you see one part of the pattern, the rest is likely to be there as well.

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Dr. K takes a Sabbatical! Meet Our Guest Blogger, Author Al Bernstein, Ph.D.

May 6, 2013

Dr. K is taking a brief sabbatical from his blogging duties, and leaving Dr. K’s blog in capable hands. Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great pleasure that we introduce to you Dr. Al Bernstein, a Ph.D. clinical psychologist, speaker and author of a frightfully wonderful new book titled Emotional Vampires At Work!

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Keep Your Wits About You!

April 29, 2013

Finding humor and sharing it is one of the simplest ways to keep your wits about you. Good humor breaks down the barriers that keep us divided and polarized, and builds bridges to bring us together. Humor discharges resistance, overcomes stubbornness, and creates opportunity for dialog

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Relationships Are Not About Reality, They Are About Perception!

April 15, 2013

If you don’t know how people see you, hear you and think about what you say, or what they need to see, hear and experience in order to consider what you say, what you don’t know can hurt you. Everything you say and do is filtered by perception, which results from a mental process called generalization, where little things add up–both the good and the bad. Why leave this to chance?

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