
Dealing With Grudges And Grievances

July 6, 2009

Here’s the thing about grudges and grievances. Leave a grudge alone, you just might regret it later, when out of nowhere someone comes after you with a vengeance at the most inopportune time. So when is the best time to deal with a possible grudge or grievance? Right away. Don’t let wounds fester, and don’t let grievances grow. When you first suspect that someone has one about you, that’s the time to go bring that which is hidden to the surface, where you can actually acknowledge and deal with it.

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Posts about Interpersonal conflict and dealing with people as of July 5, 2009

July 5, 2009

The written notification galvanizes the workforce understanding that (Sample Employee Discipline Letter) – 07/04/2009 The written notification galvanizes the workforce understanding that a behavior or action is out of line with the company’ policies … -Handling Difficult People Then you can layoff who you want whenever (Employee Warning Letter Multifarious Benefits Of Website Reviews […]

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Dr. K’s Blog Wishes Everyone A Happy 4th of July!

July 3, 2009

I love America. I’ve seen the whole of the USA, and we are magnificent in our natural terrain, our resources, and our people. From the trivial (the world’s largest ball of twine in Cawker, Kansas) to the astonishing (The House of Mystery just up the road in Gold Hill, Oregon) to the sublime (Grand Canyon, Redwood Forest, the Statue of Liberty) we have it all, have done it all, keep doing it all and then finding new and better ways to do it again. And our best is in front of us, not behind us.

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How To Get Promises You Can Count On

July 3, 2009

Ever had to deal with washy people who don’t follow through? Here’s how it goes. Someone makes you a promise, and you, counting on it, make a promise to someone else that depends on that promise made to you. And then nothing happens. Nothing except that you wind up looking like a flake.

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Posts about Interpersonal conflict and dealing with people as of July 2, 2009

July 2, 2009

o Demanding to see his or her personnel (How To Terminate An Employee) – 07/02/2009 o Demanding to see his or her personnel file. o Gross disobedience (not following a substantial order from boss) … difficult people, and learn how to manage problem employees to overcome conflict at work. Some forms … managing a […]

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How To Get Agreement From Someone Saying No

July 1, 2009

Riddle me this. What pattern works as well with a negative person at work as it does with a two year old at home? The Polarity Response pattern!

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Posts about Interpersonal conflict and dealing with people as of June 29, 2009

June 29, 2009

The gatekeeper’s three questions – 06/29/2009 100 words There are three questions I always ask myself when considering a new writer. 1. Is this work any good? 2. Can I sell this book? 3 … is too short to work with difficult people, so I will pass over a great book I can sell […]

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Difficult Behavior – What To Do With Negative People

June 29, 2009

So what to do about negative energy, particularly when it’s directed at you? Well, I agree with those who say that if you find your energy is drained around certain people, it makes no sense to be around them unless you absolutely have to. And in the case of my passive agressive letter writer, I considered that letter in the context of all the feedback I had gotten, instead of giving it more credit for accuracy than it deserved.

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