
Posts about Interpersonal conflict and dealing with people as of February 17, 2009

February 17, 2009

Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence – 02/17/2009 So, I picked up this book again Sunday (click on the title) and it is great stuff! Just a word of reminder to all of you out there.. … it:Nothing happens to us in life that is not God’s will (except for sin.) But this even includes […]

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Twitter Tweets about persuasive communication as of February 17, 2009

February 17, 2009

photoexpert: Mathematics and Persuasive Communication 2009-02-17 17:42:23 · Reply · View TwitterDoodle by The Lessnau Lounge

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My Mother Passed Away Today

February 17, 2009

My mother passed away today. All the years of my life, I never imagined a day would come when she would not be here. She was an amazing woman. How do you measure a life? Not in years, not in tears. I measure it in the memories created with her, and in the ways she contributed to the man I’ve become, and in the love she gave me which was immeasurable.

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Posts about Interpersonal conflict and dealing with people as of February 16, 2009

February 16, 2009

The Healing Manager – 02/16/2009 In 1993, William and Kathleen Lundin (pronounced lun-DEEN), business consultants, educators and community activists from Chicago, published The Healing Manager , one of a series of books they wrote during a prominent career working with business groups large and small on management, teamwork, productivity, and all-around organizational health > […]

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Keys to Phone Connection – The Art of Persuasion On The Line

February 15, 2009

As I said in my previous post about telephone persuasion, there are 8 identifiable keys to making a connection over the phone. There not all necessary with everyone all the time, but a little of several of them can carry your persuasive signals a long way. If you’re after a positive response, let me help you make that connection. Today we’ll talk about timing and the value of a name.

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Posts about Interpersonal conflict and dealing with people as of February 15, 2009

February 15, 2009

Dealing with Difficult People – 02/15/2009 Dealing with Difficult People The author, a motivational speaker and commentator on health, change management, and social issues in the United Kingdom, Europe, and the United States, offers a guide to influencing difficult people and improving their job performance. Corporation on a Tightrope Dealing with Disconnection – […]

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Posts about Interpersonal conflict and dealing with people as of February 14, 2009

February 14, 2009

Tips for Fast Credit Repair – 02/14/2009 One of the most distressful financial nightmares is negative credit … is not really difficult! People generally tend to ignore the easier strategies to fast credit repair … . People who have bad credit often seek to get out of it by employing the services Easy-Peasy Street […]

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Posts about Interpersonal conflict and dealing with people as of February 13, 2009

February 13, 2009

Leo – 02/14/2009 Leo Astrology July 23 – August 22 Leo Strength Keywords: – Confident – Ambitious – Generous – Loyal – Encouraging Leo Weakness Keywords: … naturally gravitate and surround the Leo. Leos are very difficult people to not like, they are usually … if they have an audience and a following of […]

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