February 12, 2009
Telephone. Tell a phone. There are times when I get the feeling I’m talking to a phone instead of over a phone. Incoming telemarketing calls consistently miss the mark when it comes to winning enough time to create a meaningful connection. And by all reports, cold calls are another example of missed opportunities because of mistakes and just-missed calls. Yet there’s no question that you can build connection with people over the phone.
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February 12, 2009
Brighter futures? – freshcoffey.wordpress.com 02/13/2009 http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://bp0.blogger.com/_-cBb578jsLk/R9pk1MbI_LI/AAAAAAAAAu8/7HLjW_cKjJ8/s400/helping%2Bothers.jpg&imgrefurl=http://oceanshaman.blogspot.com/2008/03/through-us.html&usg=__u3BOuBpjuDCOiVHLnzy0iohSWgo=&h=400&w=395&sz=42&hl=en&start=25&um=1&tbnid=VRFAVGCcK9hfAM: Valentine’s Day Thoughts – righttruth.typepad.com 02/12/2009 Sally Field, playing the character of Nora Walker in the TV series Brothers and Sisters, said that she wanted to feel like she was enough, … us, … is sometimes more difficult. People have busy lives, work, hobbies, rush here, rush … of the […]
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