

Promotion: Mind Your Marketing Ps and Qs (part 7 in a series)

December 17, 2012

If you can find a way to convert your customers and clients into raving fans, you will get good word of mouth. Word of mouth carries much farther. And consumers can now influence the success or failure of your practice in a much shorter amount of time than ever before.

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Position: Mind Your Marketing P’s And Q’s (part 4 in a series)

November 26, 2012

Let the hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands of others who do work similar to you concern themselves with their own marketing. They are not your concern. How do YOU differentiate what you do?

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Branding: From Whence Come Your Clients? (part 2 of a series)

November 5, 2012

A brand is a promise made to people who don’t know you and who don’t know what you do about who you are and what you do, a promise that says it is worth their while to come to you. And you can know something about people you don’t know, based on people you’ve already served in the past.

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Why Develop A Persuasive Brand? (part 1 of a series)

October 29, 2012

In my next several posts, stretching through November and into December, I’ll tell you and the world what I had only begun to tell my CNDA audience. I hope it is helpful to you in building your own brand, because a great brand is one of the best things you can do for your business.

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