
Positive Change

The Corner Of The Universe You Can Be Certain Of Improving

June 15, 2011

Whenever I am faced with the stupidity of the world, that’s when I stop, turn inside, take ownership over my moment and what I’m doing with it, and direct myself to take an immediate step to make something in my world a little better.

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When Life Gets You Down, Look Up, Step Forward

June 13, 2011

Most of the people that you come in contact with not only want something better for themselves, but actually want things to get better all around. We can’t help it. I can prove it.

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4 Steps Than Can Improve All Your Relationships

June 1, 2011

We’re a month away from the publication of my new book, ‘How To Click With People: The Secret To Better Relationships In Business And In Life.’ But you don’t have to wait for the big launch (though if you subscribe to my newsletter, you’ll be the first to know the deals and details for people who buy the book)

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My Take on 7 tips on Dealing with Negative People

May 27, 2011

I’ve written about negative people extensively. And I love the responsibility for herself that she shows in the opening paragraph. She arrives at the idea that learning to deal with negative people is ultimately a positive thing for her future. And with this motivation, she develops a plan.

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Difficult people advice. Really? All you need to do? I don’t think so!

May 25, 2011

If the intent is to make things worse, telling people they are abnormal, off track, and utterly ridiculous will certainly make a difference. But if the intent is to make things better, to get a better outcome, change the situation, resolve the conflict, I’m afraid her words have meaning and opposite effect.

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A Celebration of Aging – Older, Better, and Elder

May 6, 2011

From the Ashland Community Center event, Gaea Yudron’s ‘Sage’s Play: A Celebration of Aging.’ I was asked to speak, and afterwards a number of people asked to see my notes for the speech, so here they are. This is part five, the conclusion.

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A Celebration of Aging – Finding The Motivation To Live

May 4, 2011

From the Ashland Community Center event, Gaea Yudron’s ‘Sage’s Play: A Celebration of Aging.’ I was asked to speak, and afterwards a number of people asked to see my notes for the speech, so here they are. This is part four.

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A Celebration of Aging – The Value of Values

May 2, 2011

From the Ashland Community Center event, Gaea Yudron’s ‘Sage’s Play: A Celebration of Aging.’ I was asked to speak, and afterwards a number of people asked to see my notes for the speech, so here they are. This is part three.

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