
Attorney says Thank You for Dealing With People You Can’t Stand

July 16, 2012

Hi blog reader! I just got an unsolicited testimonial in my email from a San Diego, California attorney regarding my coauthored book, Dealing With People You Can’t Stand, and it just made me smile ear to ear. So i thought I’d make it this week’s post. Think of it this way: Here’s proof that you can not only turn around a bad situation, but you can be proactive about preventing more of them! Without further adieu, enjoy.

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In Communication, Begin With The End In Mind

July 9, 2012

Perhaps you’ve heard the expression, “Begin with the end in mind.” Knowing what you intend to end up with is essential. I call this your persuasion proposition or proposal. It will help you organize, practice, and respond appropriately when the unexpected occurs. It is a fundamental key to purposeful and productive behavior.

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How Do You Respond To Criticism? Connected Listening Works Best!

July 2, 2012

The problem with defending against criticism is best summed up in a phrase mistakenly attributed to William Shakespeare: “Methinks thou doest protest too much!”

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Time Business Shares Tips From Dealing With People You Can’t Stand

June 27, 2012

What a nice surprise!  Time Magazine shares tips from my latest book, Dealing With People You Can’t Stand.  You’ll find it here.

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So What If You’re Right? You Could Be Doing It Wrong!

June 25, 2012

I conducted my training program,‘How To Bring Out The Best In People…Even At Their Worst,” based on my coauthored international bestseller ‘Dealing With People You Can’t Stand (Kirschner, Brinkman, McGraw Hill) for a major automobile manufacturer.

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Flexibility Increases Persuasive Ability

June 18, 2012

Your stability is the center of your flexibility, and that stability comes from accepting what is. If you can’t accept what is happening for what it is, you are already off balance, and contributing to your own downfall.

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The Persuasive Power Of Asking Questions

June 4, 2012

If influence is a given, then questions are a powerful intervention in the thinking of others. You can ask for relevance, intent, motivation, deeper understanding, and a whole host of other useful bits of information

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True Meaning of Memorial Day

May 27, 2012

Today is Memorial Day. For many, Memorial Day is nothing but an extra day off from work, or a long weekend chance to get together with family and friends, laugh and chat over a hot barbeque and cold beer, and launch the summer season in style. Considering how hard people work these days and how precious time off is, I totally get it. But the true meaning of Memorial Day is somber and sobering.

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