
If You Want To Be Effective, You’ve Got To Be Specific

September 10, 2012

A New York City taxi driver told me that there are a few essential ingredients for driving a taxicab successfully. You need a comprehensive understanding of how your city is laid out. You need an excellent reference map, committed to memory when possible. And you need to know what questions to ask and when to ask them to get your fare to their destination.

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Stay Calm This Political Season – The Human Condition Remains Consistent

September 3, 2012

I was speaking with my friend Roman earlier this morning about an observation I made in the early 1970s that still seems to hold up. The seeming trends of political polarization, human ignorance and difficult behavior that keep people up at night, gnashing their teeth all day, and worrying out loud in the common space? These are not new trends. Same as it ever was.

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How Do You Deal With Opposition? Use Persuasion!

August 27, 2012

Speaker and educator Dr. Rick Kirschner, author of How To Click With People and Insider’s Guide To The Art Of Persuasion, shares his experiences in learning the art of persuasion. In today’s podcast, opposition is the subject!

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In Persuasion, If You Have To Be Right, You’re Doing It Wrong

August 20, 2012

Today’s post is a podcast.  

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Intellectual Property Theft: Are Lying, Cheating and Stealing Ok Now? NO!

August 13, 2012

If you did steal intellectual property from someone, whether you were tricked into doing it by confusing terms and the generous use of the word ‘free’, or you didn’t think anyone would know or do anything about it, here’s some news for you. YOU WILL BE FOUND OUT (looking at you, Leslie O. Magsalay). It could be expensive trouble!

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Add Authority To Your Words With Quotes And Aphorisms

August 6, 2012

Quotes, and aphorisms, have the benefit of adding authority to your words. Whose authority? Whomever you are quoting. You only need provide attribution for your quote if you desire to grant its authority to yourself. You can even quote yourself!

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You Can Not Not Influence People

July 30, 2012

The point is that you constantly influence people with the things you say and don’t say, do and don’t do, and even what you think or don’t think about them, because your influence on you is one of the primary drivers of your influence on others.

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How To Ensure That Honesty Is The Best Policy

July 23, 2012

More often than not, honesty is the best policy. I am often amazed at how many other strategies and approaches people employ to deal with each other without first attempting to talk it out. But an honest dialogue with someone pushing your buttons continues to prove itself as one of the most effective strategies for bringing out the best in people at their worst.

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