
Why Develop A Persuasive Brand? (part 1 of a series)

October 29, 2012

In my next several posts, stretching through November and into December, I’ll tell you and the world what I had only begun to tell my CNDA audience. I hope it is helpful to you in building your own brand, because a great brand is one of the best things you can do for your business.

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I endorse Mayor John Stromberg for a 2nd term as Mayor of Ashland, OR

October 22, 2012

I endorse Mayor John Stromberg. He is practical minded (having already saved the town much pain and financial suffering while shepherding us through this recession), consistent in values, inclusive towards citizens, respectful in council, focused on sustainable choices for the whole community. John keeps some things close to the vest, like his actual feelings on decisions already made by the council under his leadership. He rightly has the good sense to support the work of his council rather than grandstanding or playing for political advantage.

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2012 Dr. K’s Blog Report

October 15, 2012

As of this post, I have created 780 posts on my blog, and received 1390 comments! I have blacklisted two visitors for bad behavior, which is not bad considering how badly many people behave when anonymity is an option! And I have received 123 private messages related to blog posts.

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Dr. K’s Post Presidential Debate Debrief – Were you persuaded?

October 8, 2012

Turn off the sound and watch the debates, and it is clear who wants to be on the stage, and who doesn’t, clear who wants to win votes and who doesn’t, clear who believes in their case, and who doesn’t. REGARDLESS OF THE FACTS, the style of the communication sends the signal. So what signals did these candidates send?

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Not Knowing The Way Forward Leads To Inaction

October 1, 2012

When people don’t move forward, it could be because they don’t know how. They may know what, who, where and when, even why, but without knowing how to proceed, the only action is inaction. So they stop, and wait. But with the right question, and find the deeper structure that leads to action!

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It’s My Birthday – Life Lessons Worth Learning Sooner

September 24, 2012

In a few days, I’ll be having my 63rd birthday while presenting my Healthy Communication Workshop to incoming medical freshmen at the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine.  I’m delighted that I get to spend that particular day working with younger people, sharing the change, communication and conflict resolution tips, skills and strategies I’ve learned and […]

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When People Get Confused, Get The Nouns!

September 17, 2012

Did you know that if you ask people ‘how’ questions without occasionally referencing the what, who, where and when, people tend to get so confused that they go into a trance state? Well, it’s true.

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Dealing With Difficult Fanatics – Turmoil In The Middle East

September 13, 2012

“The words of others don’t dishonor your beliefs. Only your behavior can do that. Free speech includes hateful speech. And tolerance for it doesn’t mean anyone likes or approves of hate speech. It means that hateful people can express their hatred without actually acting on it, and so it serves as a release valve. More to the point, my mother taught me that two wrongs don’t make a right.”

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