
First Click, Then Persuade, To Create Positive Change

September 9, 2011

During my 30+ years of helping people make positive change, I’ve observed numerous successful patterns that help grow businesses, improve management skills for taking charge and leading change, for persuading others and bringing out the best in people at their worst.

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Insider’s Guide to the Art of Persuasion Digital Download Now Available

September 7, 2011

The Art of Change Skills for Life is pleased to announce the immediate availability of the Insider’s Guide To The Art Of Persuasion as a digital download! Get all 8 volumes, 6.5 hours of comprehensive communication and persuasion training, and be listening and learning in minutes.

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Click With The People Who Work With You

September 5, 2011

Building collegial relationships serves everyone’s long term interests. So here are three successful strategies for clicking with others in your workplace.

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Just Because They’re Difficult, That Doesn’t Make Them Crazy

September 2, 2011

Live and learn, reframe your labeling system, practice more blending, speak to positive intent, listen before speaking, and think strategically by organizing your response around a desired direction.

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How Do You Use The Persuasive Power Of Questions?

August 31, 2011

Have you ever been asked something that confused the daylights out of you? Or found yourself defending yourself against its implications? A question takes the listener’s mind down a particular road, whether it’s the road of agreement or disagreement, of finding examples or finding counter-examples.

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Open Letter to Ashland City Council on the Transfer of SUP to MAA

August 29, 2011

New evidence indicates a greater danger to the watershed than has been previously considered, and there are wetlands that keep the water clean, endangered species that depend on intact ecosystems, and rare old growth that are irreplaceable at stake. Prudence dictates caution, clarity and patience.

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What I Said To The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (conclusion)

August 26, 2011

In my new book, ‘How To Click With People: The Secret To Better Relationships In Business And In Life,’ I talk about the principle of resonance. The motivations of people who go to alternative medical practitioners are not a grand mystery. They are readily discernible.

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What I Said To The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (pt 3)

August 24, 2011

In other words, ‘doctors who listen misses the target of creating an identifiable brand worth of our profession and capable of building mindshare around our identity.

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