
Insider’s Guide Audio Now On iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby

February 11, 2013

Bestselling author and educator Dr. Rick Kirschner’s comprehensive communication training, the Insider’s Guide To The Art Of Persuasion, is now available for instant download through CDBaby, iTunes and Get 6.5 hours of skills and strategies packed into an entertaining and life changing audio course for only $29.95.

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Announcing A Partnership Between The Art Of Change LLC and Merlin Works Institute

February 4, 2013

The Art Of Change LLC and Merlin Works Institute announce a partnership for 2013, in order to bring material developed by Dr. Rick Kirschner on persuasion and positive change to a wider audience and in a more empowering format. The first program that we’re going to roll out this year is Persuasion Works – Influence and the Art of Persuasion, and it delivers the following benefits to participants:

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You Can Recover From Bad Business Decisions Pt2

January 28, 2013

I still hoped to recoup at least some of the tens of thousands I had given to her. Sabrina talked a good game, and consistently failed to deliver. To assume that this pattern would change would be the epitome of stupidity. So you know what I did instead? (Here comes the lesson:)

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You Can Recover From Bad Business Decisions Pt1

January 21, 2013

Yes, Sabrina G talked a great game. This girl could sell ice to eskimos, as long as she didn’t need to deliver any ice after she closed the sale. In fact, her business went belly up while she was supposedly working on my campaigns, and she concealed this information from me, using my money to pay creditors.

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Focus On Their Behavior, Not Your Opinion

January 14, 2013

If you’re going to tell someone about a problem, you will be well served to make a distinction between what they do (their actual behavior) and your reaction to it (your thoughts, words and feelings about their behavior). Behavior is observable, reportable, predictable.

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Dr. K’s Top Ten Words For Healthy Communication

January 7, 2013

What is healthy communication? The purpose of healthy communication is to bring about positive change, which ultimately is the role of a health focused doctor. It’s also your role any time you want to do your part to create a better tomorrow.

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Get A Headstart on 2013: Turn Your New Years Ideas Into A Prioritized List

December 31, 2012

According to the five stages of change model that I teach in my persuasive communication programs, a good plan precedes taking a good action. And the best plans usually do a great job of identifying ‘the next obvious thing’ rather than focusing on distant events that likely will be changed by circumstance before you get to them.

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Season’s Greetings and Happy Holidays from The Art Of Change™

December 24, 2012

We hope 2012 was as good for you as it was for us! For The Art Of Change Skills For Life™, this was a year of great success (It was our best year to date in terms of speaking engagements, new clients and revenue), and the second year in a row for me to get a new book published!

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